Dots and Lines: “ten to sen” Patterns Studio from Takuya Yoshimura on Vimeo.
About Ten To Sen Moyou Seisaku jyo
I started Ten to Sen as my solo project in 2008.There are many things which are visible like scenery or plants on the other hand there are things which are invisible like winter cold or rain sound.I create patterns being inspired by scenery in our ordinary life or our memories to enjoy decorating room or make something by hand.
1981年、北海道生まれ。北海道東海大学大学院 芸術工学研究科卒。在学中にウィリアムモリスの壁紙を木版で再現し模様の構成や作り方を学ぶ。その方法をもとにオリジナルの「北国の壁紙模様」作りをする。その後、より身近な布へと素材をひろげる。
Rieko Oka
Born in Hokkaido, Japan, 1981.TOKAI UNIVERSITY Graduate School (2001-2004).
School of Design Course of Integrated Design Studies In the school I replicated wallpapers of William Morris by woodcut printing to learn construction of the patterns and how to create them.Using that way I created my own wallpaper called “Kitaguni No Kabegamimoyou(Pattern on wallpaper from Northern country)”Afterwards I started to create fabric because I think it is closer to our or daily life.